Guan Yin is holding a vase with water in the right hand (to diminish anger) and a willow branch in the left (to heal).
On the left, Sudhanakumâra, or Shancai Tongzi in Chinese, is the Child of Wealth because when he was born, many different valuable items appeared in his parent’s home. He has an immense wealth of knowledge. Paired with Longnü (Dragon Girl) on the other side, who is full of wisdom and has an harmonious mind that has attained enlightenment.
Guan Yin is the most widely beloved Buddhist Divinity in Taiwan. Shancai Tongzi takes a journey to seek teachings from spiritual advisors in his quest for enlightenment. Along the way, he meets many great teachers and bodhisattvas, and finally achieves Buddhahood in a single lifetime. Longnü has unhindered eloquence and thinks of sentient beings with as much compassion as if they were her own children. Her virtues are perfect.
This artifact, Guan Yin with two acolytes, standing in the ocean, rescues humankind from suffering and has a miraculous powers to assist all those who pray to her. She is the most widely beloved Buddhist Divinity.